Gita 9.27
यत्, करोषि, यत्, अश्नासि, यत्, जुहोषि, ददासि, यत्,
यत्, तपस्यसि, कौन्तेय, तत्, कुरुष्व, मदर्पणम्।।27।।
Yat’, karoshi, yat’, ashnaasi, yat’, juhoshi, dadaasi, yat’,
Yat’, tapasyasi, kauntey, tat’, kurushv, madarpanam’ ||27||
Translation: (Kauntey) O Arjun! You (yat’) whatever action (karoshi) perform (yat’) whatever (ashnaasi) eat (yat’) whatever (juhoshi) perform hawan {lighting lamp} (yat’) whatever (dadaasi) give as charity and (yat’) whatever (tapasyasi) practice austerity (tat’) all that (madarpanam’) mataanusaar i.e. offer in accordance with the scriptures to me (kurushv) do. (27)
Gita 9.27: O Arjun! Whatever action you perform, whatever you eat, whatever hawan you do (whatever you offer in sacrifice/lighting lamp), whatever you give as charity, whatever austerity you practice, offer all that to me in accordance with the scriptures (mataanusaar).
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