Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita हिन्दी

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 27

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 27

Gita 9.27

यत्, करोषि, यत्, अश्नासि, यत्, जुहोषि, ददासि, यत्,
यत्, तपस्यसि, कौन्तेय, तत्, कुरुष्व, मदर्पणम्।।27।।

Gita 9.27

Yat’, karoshi, yat’, ashnaasi, yat’, juhoshi, dadaasi, yat’,
Yat’, tapasyasi, kauntey, tat’, kurushv, madarpanam’ ||27||

Translation: (Kauntey) O Arjun! You (yat’) whatever action (karoshi) perform (yat’) whatever (ashnaasi) eat (yat’) whatever (juhoshi) perform hawan {lighting lamp} (yat’) whatever (dadaasi) give as charity and (yat’) whatever (tapasyasi) practice austerity (tat’) all that (madarpanam’) mataanusaar i.e. offer in accordance with the scriptures to me (kurushv) do. (27)

Gita 9.27: O Arjun! Whatever action you perform, whatever you eat, whatever hawan you do (whatever you offer in sacrifice/lighting lamp), whatever you give as charity, whatever austerity you practice, offer all that to me in accordance with the scriptures (mataanusaar).

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