Gita 9.24
अहम्, हि, सर्वयज्ञानाम्, भोक्ता, च, प्रभुः,एव, च,
न, तु, माम्,अभिजानन्ति,तत्त्वेन,अतः,च्यवन्ति,ते।।24।।
Aham’, hi, sarvyagyanam’, bhokta, ch, prabhuH, ev, ch,
Na, tu, mam’, abhijaananti, tatven, ataH, chyavanti, te ||24||
Translation: (Hi) because (sarvyagyanam’) all the yagyas (bhokta) enjoyer (ch) and (prabhuH) lord (ch) also (aham’) I (ev) only (tu) but (te) they (mam’) me (tatven) in essence (na) not (abhijananti) know (ataH) therefore (chyavanti) fall i.e. suffer in the bodies of 84 lakh types of life forms. (24)
Gita 9.24: Because I only am the enjoyer and lord of all the yagyas, but they do not know me in essence and therefore they fall i.e. suffer in the bodies of 84 lakh types of life forms.
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