Gita 9.19
तपामि, अहम्, अहम्, वर्षम्, निगृह्णामि, उत्सृजामि, च,
अमृतम्, च, एव, मृत्युः, च, सत्, असत्, च, अहम्, अर्जुन।।19।।
Tapaami, aham’, aham’, varsham’, nigrhnami, utsrjami, ch,
Amrtam’, ch, ev, mrtyuH, ch, sat’, asat’, ch, aham’, Arjun ||19||
Translation: (Aham’) I only (tapaami) blaze in form of sun (varsham’) rain (nigrhnami) withhold (ch) and (utsrjami) send-forth (Arjun) O Arjun! (aham’) I (ev) only (amrtam’) immortality (ch) and (mrtyuH) am death (ch) and (sat’ ch asat’) cause of truth and lies (aham’) I only am. (19)
Gita 9.19: I only blaze in the form of sun, withhold and send-forth the rain. O Arjun! I only am immortality and death and I am the cause of truth and lies.
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