Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita हिन्दी

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 17

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 17

Gita 9.17

पिता, अहम्, अस्य, जगतः, माता, धाता, पितामहः,
वेद्यम्, पवित्रम्, ओंकारः, ऋक्, साम, यजुः, एव, च।।17।।

Gita 9.17

Pita, aham’, asya, jagatH, mata, dhaata, pitamahH,
Vedhyam’, pavitrm’, omkaarH, rik’, sam, yajuH, ev, ch ||17

Translation: (Aham’) I (ev) only am (Asya) this (jagatH) world of twenty-one brahmands (dhaata) the sustainer (pita) father (mata) mother (pitamahH) grandfather (vedhyam’) worthy of knowing (pavitrm’) sacred (OmkaarH) Omkar and (rik’) RigVed (sam) SamVed (ch) and (yajuH) also YajurVed. (17)

Gita 9.17: I only am the sustainer of this world of twenty-one brahmands, father, mother, grandfather, worthy of knowing the sacred Omkar and RigVed, SamVed and YajurVed etc three Vedas.

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