Gita 9.15
ज्ञानयज्ञेन, च, अपि, अन्ये, यजन्तः, माम्, उपासते,
एकत्वेन, पृथक्त्वेन, बहुधा, विश्वतोमुखम्।।15।।
Gyaanyagyen, ch, api, anye, yajantH, mam’, upaaste,
Ekatven, prthaktven, bahudha, vishwatomukham’ ||15||
Translation: (Anye) others (mam’) me, Brahm (gyaanyagyen) by yagya of knowledge (ekatven) in an undivided form (yajantH) worship (api) also (ch) and other men (bahudha) present in various different forms (vishwatomukham’) me, the God in Viraat form (prthaktven) separately (upaaste) worship. (15)
Gita 9.15: Others worship me, Brahm, as one / in an undivided form by yagya of knowledge and other men worship me, the God in Viraat form present in different forms, separately.
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