Gita 9.13
महात्मानः, तु, माम्, पार्थ, दैवीम्, प्रकृतिम्, आश्रिताः,
भजन्ति, अनन्यमनसः, ज्ञात्वा, भूतादिम्, अव्ययम्।।13।।
MahaatmaanH, tu, mam’, paarth, daiveem’, prakrtim’, aashritaH,
Bhajanti, ananyamanasH, gyaatva, bhootaadim’, avyyam’ ||13||
Translation: (Tu) on the other hand (Paarth) O son of Kunti! (daiveem’) divine i.e. of a sage (Prakrtim’) nature (aashritaH) adopting (mahaatmaanH) the Mahatmas (bhootadim’) the eternal cause of all the living beings (avyyam’) the immortal God (gyatva) knowing in essence (mam’) me (ananyamanasH) with undeviated mind (bhajanti) do my bhajan. (13)
Gita 9.13: On the other hand, O son of Kunti! Mahatmas by adopting a divine nature i.e. that of a sage, knowing in essence the eternal cause of all the living beings, the immortal God, do my bhajan with undeviated mind.
Meaning - Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 13: - In Gita Chapter 9 Verse 11-12, there is description of those devout souls who do not know the Purna Parmatma (Complete God) and Brahm in essence. They worship other gods out of their nature. In Gita Chapter 9 Verse 13 {whose relation is with Gita Chapter 7 Verse 17-18 that a Gyaani, a knowledgeable person, is dear to me; I am dear to a gyaani (a knowledgeable person), but they are dependent on my inferior salvation only.}, it is said that those who know me and that Purna Parmatma, they then worship me because it is stated in Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23 that for the attainment of the Complete God (Purna Parmatma), there is said to be sumiran of three mantras: Om’-Tat’-Sat’. Om’ is jaap of Brahm. In Gita Chapter 9 Verse 13, it has been stated with the same purport that after knowing the Purna Parmatma and me (Brahm) in essence, mahatmas worship me. They do not know about other mantras (Tat’ and Sat’). Therefore, from their self-deduced conclusion (drdvrtaH), with determination, some do worship by doing yagya of knowledge i.e. prayer etc (devotional singing), and some considering the Viraat form (the entire world is God only). For them, I am everything. In Gita Chapter 9 Verse 20 to 24, the conclusion of Gita Chapter 9 Verse 11 to 19 has been given that both of those types of worshippers (who worship other gods, and who worship me according to the Vedas, who did not obtain the real mantra), undergo destruction. They do not attain salvation.
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