Gita 9.1
इदम्, तु, ते, गुह्यतमम्, प्रवक्ष्यामि, अनसूयवे,
ज्ञानम्, विज्ञानसहितम्, यत्, ज्ञात्वा, मोक्ष्यसे, अशुभात्।।1।।
Idam’, tu, te, guhyatmm’, prvakshyami, ansooyve,
Gyanm’, vigyansahitm’, yat’, gyatva, mokshyse, ashubhat’ ||1||
Translation: (Te) you (ansooyve) to a bhkat who does not cavil (idam’) this (guhyatmm’) most secret (vigyansahitm’) along with experiential/special knowledge (gyanm’) knowledge, again (prvakshyami) properly impart (tu) that (yat’) which (gyatva) knowing (ashubhat’) scripture-opposed evil deeds (mokshyse) will become free. (1)
Gita 9.1: To you, a bhakt who does not cavil, I will again properly impart this most secret knowledge along with experiential/special knowledge, knowing which you will become free from scripture-opposed evil deeds.
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