Gita 7.28
येषाम्, तु, अन्तगतम्, पापम्, जनानाम्, पुण्यकर्मणाम्,
ते, द्वन्द्वमोहनिर्मुक्ताः, भजन्ते, माम्, दृढव्रताः।।28।।
Yesham’, tu, antgatam’, paapam’, janaanaam’, punyakarmnaam’,
Te, dvandvmohnirmuktaH, bhajante, mam’, drdvrtaH ||28||
Translation: (Tu) but, without any desire (punyakarmnaam’) those who perform virtuous acts (yeshaam’) whose (janaanaam’) men’s (paapam’) sin (antgatam’) have become destroyed (te) those (dvandvmohnirmuktaH) free from conflicting infatuation arising from love-hatred (drdvrtaH) firmly determined devotees (mam’) me, in all respects (bhajante) worship. (28)
Gita 7.28: But those men, who perform virtuous acts without any desire, whose sins have become destroyed, those firmly determined devotees, free from the conflicting infatuation arising from love-hatred, worship me in all respects.
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