Gita 7.18
उदाराः, सर्वे, एव, एते, ज्ञानी, तु, आत्मा, एव, मे, मतम्,
आस्थितः, सः, हि, युक्तात्मा, माम्, एव, अनुत्तमाम्, गतिम्।।18।।
UdaaraH, sarve, ev, ete, gyaani, tu, aatma, ev, me, matam’,
AasthitH, saH, hi, yuktaatma, mam’, ev, anuttamaam’, gatim’ ||18||
Translation: (Hi) because (me) my (matam’) in opinion (ete) these (sarve, ev) all of (gyaani) knowledgeable/learned (aatma) souls (udaraH) are noble (tu) but (saH) he (mam’) in me (ev) only (yuktaatma) engrossed soul (anuttamaam’) my very bad (gatim’) salvation (ev) only (aasthitH) are dependent. (18)
Gita 7.18: Because in my opinion all these learned souls are noble, but that soul engrossed only in me is dependent only on my very bad salvation.
The meaning of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 Verse 16 to 18 is that the speaker of Bhagavad Gita says that even my i.e. Brahm’s worship is done by four types of devotees;
Question: - People say that you have written incorrect meaning in the translation of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 Verse 18. You have written the meaning of “Anuttamaam’” as “Ashreshth” / “Bad / Inferior”; whereas in compound, the meaning of ‘Anuttam’ is ‘Ati Uttam’ / ‘very good’. Compared to whom there is no one better, regarding him/it, in compound the meaning of ‘Anuttam’ is ‘Ati Uttam’. The other translators of Bhagavad Gita have written the correct meaning. They have written the meaning of ‘anuttam’ as ‘ati uttam’ / ‘very good’.
Answer: - Accepting this statement of yours to be true, I am requesting you that the giver of the knowledge of Bhagavad Gita is telling about his worship in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 Verse 16 to 18.
If in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 Verse 18 he is describing his worship as “Anuttam”, whose meaning according to your compound is this that there is no better salvation than the salvation of the giver of the knowledge of Bhagavad Gita then consider the following statements.
It has thus been proved that in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 Verse 18, the meaning of “anuttam” is justified to be “inferior/bad” i.e. is correct. You and the other translators of Bhagavad Gita have written incorrect meaning, who have said and written the meaning of “anuttam” as “very good/superior most”.
Commentary: In Gita Chapter 7 Verse 18, the word Anuttam has been translated as "Ati uttam" i.e. 'the best' whereas the meaning of Anuttam is "the worst" or useless or inferior. This translation by Gita Press Gorakhpur is incorrect and has given an opposite meaning to the whole verse.
Due to his poor knowledge, Swami Prabhupada has committed the same mistake as Gita Press Gorakhpur. Swami Prabhupada has also translated the meaning of Anuttam as superior. See below.
udarah—magnanimous; sarve—all; eva—certainly; ete—these; jnani—one who is in knowledge; tu—but; atma eva—just like Myself; me—Mine; matam—opinion; asthitah—situated; sah—he; hi—certainly; yukta-atma—engaged in devotional service; mam—unto Me; eva—certainly; anuttamam—the highest goal; gatim—destination.
The above translation is wrong
The correct meaning of Gita 7.18 has been explained at the beginning of this page.
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