Gita 7.11
बलम्, बलवताम्, च, अहम्, कामरागविवर्जितम्,
धर्माविरुद्धः, भूतेषु, कामः अस्मि, भरतर्षभ।।11।।
Balam’, balvataam’, ch, aham’, kaamraagvivarjitm’,
DharmaaviruddhH, bhooteshu, kaamH, asmi, bharatrshabh ||11||
Translation: (Bharatrshabh) O best of the Bharats! (aham’) I (balvataam’) of the powerful (kaamraagvivarjitm’) free from attachment and desires (balam’) strength (ch) and (bhooteshu) in all the living beings under me (dharmaviruddhH) which is in accordance with the dharm i.e. in accordance with the scriptures (kaamH) action (asmi) am. (11)
Gita 7.11: O best of the Bharats! I am the strength, free from attachment and desires, of the powerful and I am the action, which is in accordance with the dharm i.e. is in accordance with the scriptures, in all the living beings under me.
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