Gita 7.10
बीजम्, माम्, सर्वभूतानाम्, विद्धि पार्थ, सनातनम्,
बुद्धिः, बुद्धिमताम्, अस्मि, तेजः, तेजस्विनाम्, अहम्।।10।।
Beejam’, mam’, sarvbhootaanaam’, viddhi, paarth, sanaatanam’,
BuddhiH, buddhimataam’, asmi, tejH, tejasvinaam’, aham’ ||10||
Translation: (Paarth) O Arjun! (sarvbhootaanaam’) all the living beings (sanaatanam’) primary (beejam’) cause (mam’) only me (viddhi) know (aham’) I (buddhimataam’) of the intelligent (buddhiH) intelligence and (tejasvinaam’) of the brilliant (tejH) brilliance (asmi) am. (10)
Gita 7.10: O Arjun! Know me alone as the primary cause of all the living beings. I am the intelligence of the intelligent and the brilliance of the brilliant.
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