Gita 6.10
योगी, युजीत, सततम्, आत्मानम्, रहसि, स्थितः,
एकाकी, यतचित्तात्मा, निराशीः, अपरिग्रहः।।10।।
Yogi, yunjeet, sattam’, aatmaanam’, rahsi, sthitH,
Ekaaki, yatchitaatma, niraashiH, aprigrhH ||10||
Translation: (Yatchittaama) who has controlled body along with mind and senses (niraashiH) free from expectation and (aprigrhH) free from possession (yogi) a devotee (ekaaki) alone (rahsi) lives in a solitary place and (sthitH) having established himself (aatmaanam’) his soul (sattam’) constantly in God (yunjit) engage. (10)
Gita 6.10: A devotee, free from expectation and possession, who has overpowered his body along with mind and senses, lives alone in a solitary place, and having established himself, should constantly engage his soul in God.
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