Gita 4.8
परित्राणाय, साधूनाम्, विनाशाय, च, दुष्कृृताम्,
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय, सम्भवामि, युगे, युगे।।8।।
Paritraanaay, saadhoonaam’, vinaashaay, ch, dushkrtaam’,
Dharmsansthaapnaarthaay, sambhvaami, yuge, yuge ||8||
Translation: (Saadhoounaam’) saintly men’s (paritraanaay) to protect (dushkrtaam’) wicked (vinaashaay) to destroy (ch) and (dharmsansthaapnaarthaay) to give the path of bhakti a scripture-based direction (yuge, yuge) from age to age (sambhvaami) manifest my parts and by secretively entering into them I perform my divine play. (8)
Gita 4.8: To protect the saintly men, to destroy the wicked, and to give the path of bhakti a scripture-based direction, I manifest my parts from age to age and by secretively entering into them I perform my divine play.
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