Gita 4.33
श्रेयान्, द्रव्यमयात्, यज्ञात्, ज्ञानयज्ञः, परन्तप,
सर्वम्, कर्म, अखिलम्, पार्थ, ज्ञाने, परिसमाप्यते।।33।।
Shreyaan’, dravyamyaat’, yagyaat’, gyaanyagyaH, parantap,
Sarvam’, karm, akhilam’, paarth, gyaane, parisamaapyate ||33||
Translation: (Parantap, Paarth) O Parantap Arjun! (dravyamyaat’) charity, provision of meals etc performed with money (yagyaat’) compared to the yagyas i.e. religious actions (gyaanyagyaH) yagya of knowledge (shreyaan’) is much superior and (sarvam’) all (karm) scripture-based actions (akhilam’ gyaane) entire knowledge i.e. in Tatvgyan (parismaapyate) culminate. (33)
Gita 4.33: O Parantap Arjun! Compared to the yagyas i.e. religious actions like charity, provision of meals etc which are performed with money, the yagya of knowledge is much superior, and all the scripture-based actions in their entirety culminate in Tatvgyan/ the True Spiritual Knowledge.
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