Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita हिन्दी

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 28

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 28

Gita 4.28

द्रव्ययज्ञाः, तपोयज्ञाः, योगयज्ञाः, तथा, अपरे,
स्वाध्यायज्ञानयज्ञाः, च, यतयः, संशितव्रताः।।28।।

Gita 4.28

DravyayagyaH, tapoyagyaH, yogyagyaH, tatha, apre,
SwadhyaaygyaanyagyaH, ch, yatayH, sanshitvrtaH ||28||

Translation: (Apre) many devotees (drvyayagyaH) only perform religious acts related to wealth i.e. only do charity, so many (tapoyagyaH) observe ascetic practices as religious acts (tatha) and many others (yogyagyaH) perform religious acts in the form of yogic postures (ch) and many are (sanshitvrtaH) endowed with strict fasts/vows (yatayH) are making effort and (swadhyaaygyaanyagyaH) some do yagya of knowledge in the form of swaadhyaay i.e. they only regularly study the true scriptures i.e. they consider this only to be the path to salvation. (28)

Gita 4.28: Many devotees only perform religious acts related to wealth i.e. only do charity; so many observe ascetic practices as religious acts and many others perform religious acts in the form of yogic postures and many are making an effort by following strict fasts/vows, and some perform yagya of knowledge i.e. only regularly study the true scriptures. In other words they consider this only to be the path to salvation.

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