Gita 4.27
सर्वाणि, इन्द्रियकर्माणि, प्राणकर्माणि, च, अपरे,
आत्मसंयमयोगाग्नौ, जुह्नति, ज्ञानदीपिते।।27।।
Sarvaani, indriyakarmaani, praankarmaani, ch, apre,
Aatmsanyamyogaagnau, juhvati, gyaandeepite ||27||
Translation: (Apre) other yogis (sarvaani, indriyakarmaani) all activities of the senses (ch) and (praankarmaani) all activities of the breaths (gyaandeepite) enlightened by knowledge (aatmsanyamyogaagnau) oneself in the fire of bhakti/yog-like restraint (juhvati) offer as sacrifice i.e. worship by restraining through knowledge, consider this only as the path to salvation. (27)
Gita 4.27: Other yogis offer all the activities of the senses and all the activities of the breaths as sacrifice in the fire of the bhakti-like restraint enlightened by knowledge i.e. worship by restraining through knowledge; they consider this only to be the path to salvation.
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