Gita 3.38
धूमेन, आव्रियते, वह्निः, यथा, आदर्शः, मलेन, च,
यथा, उल्बेन, आवृतः, गर्भः, तथा, तेन, इदम्, आवृृतम्।।38।।
Dhoomen, aavriyate, vah’inH, yatha, aadarshH, malen, ch,
Yatha, ulben, aavrtH, garbhH, tatha, ten, idam’, aavrtm’ ||38||
Translation: (Yatha) Just as (dhoomen) by smoke (vah’inH) fire (ch) and (malen) by dust (aadarshH) mirror (aavriyate) is covered (yatha) just as (ulben) by amnion (garbhH) a foetus (aavrtH) is covered (tatha) likewise (ten) by the above-mentioned defects/evilhabits (idam’) this knowledge (aavrtm’) is covered. (38)
Just as fire is covered by smoke and mirror by dust, just as foetus is covered by amnion; likewise, this knowledge is covered by the above-mentioned defects.
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