Gita 3.20
कर्मणा, एव, हि, संसिद्धिम्, आस्थिताः, जनकादयः,
लोकसंग्रहम्, एव, अपि, सम्पश्यन्, कर्तुम्, अर्हसि।।20।।
Karmna, ev, hi, sansiddhim’, aasthitaH, jankaadayH,
Loksangrham’, ev, api, sampashyan’, kartum’, arhasi ||20||
Translation: (JankaadayH) Janak etc also (karmna) through actions devoid of attachment (ev) only (sansiddhim’) supreme spiritual success (aasthitaH) attained (hi) therefore (loksangrham’) for the welfare of the world (sampashyan’) keeping in view (api) also (kartum’) besides performing worldly tasks, performing actions according to the scriptures (ev) only (arhasi) should do i.e. it is better for you to do karm. (20)
Janak etc also attained supreme spiritual success only through actions devoid of attachment. For this reason and also keeping in view the welfare of the world you should do actions according to the scriptures besides performing the worldly tasks i.e. it is better for you to do karm[7].
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