Gita 3.19
तस्मात्, असक्तः, सततम्, कार्यम्, कर्म, समाचर,
असक्तः, हि, आचरन्, कर्म, परम्, आप्नोति, पूरुषः।।19।।
Tasmaat’, asaktH, sattam’, kaaryam’, karm, smaachar,
AsaktH, hi, aachran’, karm, param’, aapnoti, poorushH ||19||
Translation: (Tasmaat’) Therefore you (sttam’) always (asaktH) free from attachment (kaaryam’ karm) prescribed duties according to the injunctions of scriptures (smaachar) adequately, keep performing (hi) because (asaktH) being free from desires (karm) acts of bhakti (aachran’) doing (param’ poorushH) Purna Parmatma/ Supreme God (aapnoti) attains. (19)
Therefore becoming free from attachment, always keep performing your prescribed duties adequately in accordance with the injunctions of the scriptures because by doing acts of bhakti after becoming free from desires, you will attain the Supreme God.
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