Gita 3.16
एवम्, प्रवर्तितम्, चक्रम्, न, अनुवर्तयति, इह, यः,
अघायुः, इन्द्रियारामः, मोघम्, पार्थ, सः, जीवति।।16।।
Evam’, prvartitam’, chakrm’, na, anuvartyati, ih, yaH,
AghaayuH, indriyaaraamH, mogham’, paarth, saH, jeevti ||16||
Translation: (Paarth) O Paarth! (yaH) one who (ih) in this world (evam’) thus, by tradition (prvartitam’) prevalent (chakrm’) wheel of nature (na, anuvartayati) does not act according to it i.e. does not perform his duties (saH) that (indriyaaraamH) enjoying the worldly pleasures through senses (aghaayuH) sinful person (mogham’) only in vain (jeevti) is alive. (16)
O Paarth! In this world, one who does not act according to the wheel of nature thus prevalent by tradition i.e. who does not perform his duties, that sinful person, who enjoys the worldly pleasures through senses, is alive only in vain.
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