Gita 3.14, 3.15
अन्नात्, भवन्ति, भूतानि, पर्जन्यात्, अन्नसम्भवः,
यज्ञात्, भवति, पर्जन्यः, यज्ञः, कर्मसमुद्भवः।।14।।
कर्म, ब्रह्मोद्भवम्, विद्धि, ब्रह्म, अक्षरसमुद्भवम्,
तस्मात्, सर्वगतम्, ब्रह्म, नित्यम्, यज्ञे, प्रतिष्ठितम्।।15।।
Annaat’, bhavanti, bhootaani, parjanyaat’, annsambhavH,
Yagyaat’, bhavti, parjanyaH, yagyaH, karmsamud’bhavH ||14||
Karm, brahmod’bhavam’, viddhi, Brahm, aksharsamud’bhavam’,
Tasmaat’, sarvgatam’, Brahm, nityam’, yagye, prtishthitam’ ||15||
Translation: (Bhootaani) Living beings (annaat’) food grain (bhavanti) arise from (annsambhavH) food grain arises (parjanyaat’) from rain (parjanyaH) rain (yagyaat’) from yagya (bhavti) arises (yagyaH) yagya (karmsamud’bhavH) originates from prescribed actions (karm) action, you (brahmod’bhavam’) arising from Brahm and (Brahm) Brahm i.e. Kshar Purush (aksharsamud’bhavam’) arisen from the Eternal God (viddhi) know (tasmaat’) it has been proved from this that (sarvgatam’) All-pervading (Brahm) God (nityam’) always (yagye) in yagya (prtishthitam’) is situated i.e. after accepting the partake of yagya, the giver of fruits is also that Purna Brahm only. (Its evidence is also in holy Gita Gita Chapter 4 Verse 13 that on the basis of gunas, by attaching actions, four varnas (castes) have been formed and it is me, Brahm only, who attaches the actions. (14-15)
Living beings arise from food grain, food grain arises from rain, rain arises from yagya, and yagya originates from prescribed actions. Consider the actions to be arising from Brahm, and Brahm i.e. Kshar Purush arising from the Eternal God. It has been proved from this that the All-pervading God is always situated in yagyas i.e. after accepting the partake of yagya, the giver of fruits is also that Purna Brahm only. (Its evidence is also in holy Gita Gita Chapter 4 Verse 13 that on the basis of gunas, by attaching actions, four varnas (castes) have been formed, and it is me, Brahm alone, who attaches the actions.
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