Gita 3.12
इष्टान् भोगान्, हि, वः, देवाः, दास्यन्ते, यज्ञभाविताः,
तैः दत्तान्, अप्रदाय, एभ्यः, यः, भुङ्क्ते, स्तेनः, एव, सः।।12।।
Ishtaan’, bhogaan’, hi, vaH, devaH, daasyante, yagyabhaavitaH,
TaiH, dattaan’, aprdaay, ebhyaH, yaH, bhunkte, stenH, ev, saH ||12||
Translation: (Hi) because (ishtaan’) the God situated in those yagyas i.e Purna Parmatma (bhogaan’) the pleasures received as a result of offering food (vaH) to you (yagyabhaavitaH) pleased by yagya (devaH) gods (daasyante) will keep giving its reward (taiH) by them (dattaan’) given, material pleasures (yaH) he who (ebhyaH) them (aprdaay) without offering i.e. without doing yagya, charity etc (bhukte) himself consumes it (saH) he (ev) in reality (stenH) is a thief. (12)
Because of offering food to the God situated in those yagyas i.e. to the Purna Parmatma, the gods pleased by the yagya will keep giving its reward in the form of pleasures. He, who without offering the material pleasures given by them i.e. without doing yagya, charity etc, himself consumes it, is a thief in reality.
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