Gita 2.61
तानि, सर्वाणि, संयम्य, युक्तः, आसीत, मत्परः,
वशे, हि, यस्य, इन्द्रियाणि, तस्य, प्रज्ञा, प्रतिष्ठिता।।61।।
Taani, sarvaani, sanyamya, yuktH, aaseet, matparH,
Vashe, hi, yasya, indriyaani, tasya, pragya, pratishthita ||61||
Translation: (Taani) those (sarvaani) all the senses (sanyamya) overpowering (yuktH) contained mind (matparH) scripture-based way of worship (aaseet) engage with determination (hi) because (yasya) whose (indriyaani) senses (vashe) are under control (tasya) his (pragya) intellect (pratishthita) becomes steady. (61)
Translation: Overpowering all those senses, with a contained mind, engage in scripture-based way of worship with determination, because one whose senses are under control, his intellect becomes steady i.e. the intellect has dominance over mind and senses.
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