Gita 2.58
यदा, संहरते, च, अयम्, कूर्मः, अंगानि, इव, सर्वशः,
इन्द्रियाणि, इन्द्रियार्थेभ्यः, तस्य, प्रज्ञा, प्रतिष्ठिता।।58।।
Yadaa, sanharte, ch, ayam’, koormH, angaani, iv, sarvashH,
Indriyaani, indriyaarthebhyaH, tasya, pragya, pratishthita ||58||
Translation: (Ch) and just as (koormH) a tortoise (sarvashH) from all sides (angaani) limbs (iv) like withdraws; likewise (yadaa) when (ayam’) this person (indriyarthebhyaH) from sense objects (indriyaani) senses (sanharte) withdraws in all respects; then (tasya) his (pragya) mind (pratishthita) is steadfast. One should think this. (58)
Translation: And just as a tortoise withdraws its limbs from all sides; likewise, when this person withdraws the senses from the sense objects in all respects, then one should consider that his mind is steadfast.
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