Gita 2.53
श्रुतिविप्रतिपन्ना, ते, यदा, स्थास्यति, निश्चला,
समाधौ, अचला, बुद्धिः, तदा, योगम्, अवाप्स्यसि।।53।।
Shrutivipratipanna, te, yadaa, sthaasyati, nishchla,
Smaadhau, achla, buddhiH, tadaa, yogam’, avaapsyasi ||53||
Translation: (Shrutivipratipanna) confused by hearing various statements (te) your (buddhiH) intellect (achla) being steadfast (yadaa) when (smaadhau) on the basis of Tatvgyan in the thought of one God (nishchla) firmly (sthaasyati) will become secured (tadaa) then, you (yogam’) yog i.e. bhakti (avaapsyasi) will attain. (53)
Translation: Confused by hearing various statements, when your intellect being steadfast on the basis of Tatvgyan will become firmly secured in the thought of one God, then you will attain yog i.e. bhakti. Then your bhakti will commence i.e. then you will become a yogi. In Gita Gita Chapter 6 Verse 46, it is said that Arjun, you may become a yogi.
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