Gita 2.51
कर्मजम्, बुद्धियुक्ताः, हि, फलम्, त्यक्त्वा, मनीषिणः,
जन्मबन्धविनिर्मुक्ताः, पदम्, गच्छन्ति, अनामयम्।।51।।
Karmjam’, buddhiyuktaH, hi, falam’, tyaktva, maneeshinH,
JanmbandhvinirmuktaH, padam’, gachchhanti, anaamyam’ ||51||
Translation: (Hi) because (buddhiyuktaH) on the basis of Tatvgyan[2] endowed with equanimity of mind (maneeshinH) learned men (karmjam’) arising from the actions (falam’) fruits (tyaktva) relinquishing (janmbandhvinirmuktaH) completely liberated from the bondage of births (anaamayam’) Anami i.e. free from disease of birth-death (padam’) to supreme state i.e. Satlok (gachchhanti) go i.e. attain complete salvation. (51)
Translation: Because on the basis of Tatvgyan endowed with equanimity of mind, leaned men, relinquishing the fruits arising from the actions and becoming completely liberated from the bondage of births, go to Anami i.e. the Supreme State free from the disease of birth-death i.e to Satlok, which means they attain complete salvation i.e. the disease of birth-death is completely eradicated.
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