Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita हिन्दी

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 39

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 39

Gita 2.39

एषा, ते, अभिहिता, साङ्ख्ये, बुद्धिः, योगे, तु, इमाम्, श्रृणु,
बुद्धया, युक्तः, यया, पार्थ, कर्मबन्धम्, प्रहास्यसि।।39।।

Gita 2.39

Esha, te, abhihita, saankhye, buddhiH, yoge, tu, imaam’, shrnu,
Buddhya, yuktH, yayaa, paarth, karmbandham’, prhaasyasi ||39||

Translation: (Paarth) O Paarth! (esha) this (buddhiH) knowledgeable speech (te) for you (saankhye) in relation to yog of knowledge (abhihita) was imparted (tu) and now you may (imaam’) it (yoge) in relation to yog (shrnu) hear (yayaa) which (buddhya) wisdom (yuktH) endowed with, you (karmbandham’) bondage of actions (prhaasyasi) will completely give up i.e. will completely destroy it. (39)

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 39

Translation: O Paarth! This knowledgeable speech was imparted to you in relation to yog of knowledge and now you hear it in relation to yog; the wisdom, endowed with which, you will completely give up the bondage of actions i.e. will completely destroy it.

In Gita Chapter 6 Verse 46, it is said that compared to Gyan Yogis and Karm yogis, a Tatvdarshi saint i.e. a yogi is superior. In this very Gita’s Gita Chapter 5 Verse 2, a Scripture-opposed Gyan yogi i.e. an ascetic and Karm yogi, both have been said to be inferior.

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