Gita 2.37
हतः, वा, प्राप्स्यसि, स्वर्गम्, जित्वा, वा, भोक्ष्यसे, महीम्,
तस्मात्, उत्तिष्ठ, कौन्तेय, युद्धाय, कृतनिश्चयः।।37।।
HatH, va, praapsyasi, swargam’, jitva, va, bhokshyase, maheem’,
Tasmaat’, uttishth, kauntey, yuddhaay, krtnishchayH ||37||
Translation: (Va) either you in battle (hatH) will die (swargam’) heaven (praapsyasi) will attain (va) or in battle (jitva) conquering (maheem’) kingdom of Earth (bhokshyase) will enjoy (tasmaat’) therefore (kauntey) O Arjun! You (yuddhaay) for the battle (krtnishchayH) with determination (uttishth) stand up. (37)
Translation: Either you will die in battle and attain heaven or after conquering the battle will enjoy the kingdom of Earth. Therefore O Arjun! Stand up for the battle with determination.
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