Gita 2.36
अवाच्यवादान्, च, बहून्, वदिष्यन्ति, तव, अहिताः,
निन्दन्तः, तव, सामथ्र्यम्, ततः, दुःखतरम्, नु, किम्।।36।।
Avaachyavaadaan’, ch, bahoon’, vadishyanti, tav, ahitaH,
NindantH, tav, saamarthyam’, tatH, duHkhtaram’, nu, kim’ ||36||
Translation: (Tav) your (ahitaH) rivals (tav) your (saamarthyam’) capability (nindantH) while criticising, you (bahoon’) several (avaachyavaadaan’) improper words (ch) also (vadishyanti) will say (tatH) than that (duHkhtaram’) more distressing (nu) else (kim’) what will be? (36)
Translation: Your rivals while criticizing your capability will say several improper words to you. What will be more disressing than that?
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