Gita 2.33
अथ, चेत्, त्वम्, इमम्, धम्र्यम्, सङ्ग्रामम्, न, करिष्यसि,
ततः, स्वधर्मम्, कीर्तिम्, च, हित्वा, पापम्, अवाप्स्यसि।।33।।
Ath, chet’, tvam’, imm’, dharmyam’, sangraamm’, na, karishyasi,
TatH, swadharmm’, keertim’, ch, hitva, paapam’, avaapasyasi ||33||
Translation: (Ath) but (tvam’) you (imm’) this (dharmyam’) religious (chet’) on the basis of knowledge (sangraamm’) battle (na) not (karishyasi) will do (tatH) same (swadharmm’) one’s religion (ch) and (keertim’) fame (hitva) loosing (paapam’) sin (avaapasyasi) will incur. (33)
Translation: But, if you will not fight the battle on the basis of this religious knowledge, then loosing the same religion of yours and fame, will incur sin.
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