Gita 2.32
यदृच्छया, च, उपपन्नम्, स्वर्गद्वारम्, अपावृतम्,
सुखिनः, क्षत्रियाः, पार्थ, लभन्ते, युद्धम्, ईदृशम्।।32।।
Yadrchchhya, ch, uppannam’, swargdwaaram’, apaavrtam’,
SukhinH, kshatriyaaH, paarth, labhante, yuddham’, idrsham’ ||32||
Translation: (Paarth) O Paarth! (yadrchchhya) itself (uppannam’) obtained (ch) and (apaavrtam’) open (swargdwaaram’) like door to heaven (idrsham’) such (yuddham’) battle (sukhinH) fortunate (kshatriyaaH) kshatriyas only (labhante) get the chance to. (32)
Translation: O Paarth! Only fortunate kshatriyas get the opportunity to fight such a battle which comes of itself and is like an open door to heaven.
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