Gita 2.14
मात्रास्पर्शाः, तु, कौन्तेय, शीतोष्णसुखदुःखदाः,
आगमापायिनः, अनित्याः, तान्, तितिक्षस्व, भारत।।14।।
MaatraasparshaH, tu, kauntey, sheetoshnsukhduHkhdaH,
AagmaapaayinH, anityaH, taan’, titikshasv, bharat ||14||
Translation; (Kauntey) O Kunti’s son! (sheetoshnsukhduHkhdaH) the giver of cold, heat, joys and sorrows (maatraasparshaH) the contact of senses and their sense objects (tu) however (aagmaapaayinH) come and go i.e. (anityaH) are temporary; therefore (bharat) O Bharat! (taan’) them (titikshasv) tolerate. (14)
Translation: O Kunti’s son! The contact of senses and their sense objects leading to cold, heat, joys and sorrows come and go i.e. are temporary; therefore, Oh Bharat! You tolerate them.
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