Gita 2.12
न, तु, एव, अहम्, जातु, न, आसम्, न, त्वम्, न, इमे, जनाधिपाः,
न, च, एव, न, भविष्यामः, सर्वे, वयम्, अतः, परम्।।12।।
Na, tu, ev, aham’, jaatu, na, aasam’, na, tvam’, na, ime, janaadhipaH,
Na, ch, ev, na, bhavishyaamH, sarve, vayam’, ataH, param’ ||12||
Translation: (Na, tu) neither (ev) is only (aham’) I (jaatu) at any time (na) not (aasam’) was, or (tvam’) you (na) were not, or ( ime) these (janaadhipaH) kings (na) were not there (ch) and (na) nor (ev) is only (ataH) this (param’) beyond (vayam’) we (sarve) all (na) not (bhavishyaam’) will be. (12)
Translation: Neither it is that I was not there at any time or you were not there or these kings were not there, and nor it is that we will not be there beyond this.
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