Gita 2.10
तम्, उवाच, हृषीकेशः, प्रहसन्, इव, भारत,
सेनयोः, उभयोः, मध्ये, विषीदन्तम्, इदम्, वचः।।10।।
Tam’, uvaach, HrshikeshH, prhasan’, iv, Bharat,
SenyoH, ubhyoH, madhye, visheedantam’, idam’, vachH ||10||
Translation: (Bharat) O Descendent of Bharat, Dhritrashtr! (HrshikeshH) Antaryami/all-knowing Shri Krishna Maharaj (ubhyoH) both (senyoH) of armies (madhye) in middle (visheedantam’) grieving (tam’) that Arjun (prhasan’, iv) smilingly (idam’) these (vachH) words (uvaach) spoke. (10)
Translation: O Descendent of Bharat, Dhritrashtr! Antaryami/all-knowing Shri Krishna smilingly spoke these words to that Arjun, grieving in the middle of both the armies.
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