Gita 18.68
यः, इमम्, परमम्, गुह्यम्, मद्भक्तेषु, अभिधास्यति,
भक्तिम्, मयि, पराम्, कृृत्वा, माम्, एव, एष्यति, असंशयः।।68।।
YaH, imm’, parmm’, guhyam’, mad’bhakteshu, abhidhaasyati,
Bhaktim’, mayi, paraam’, krtva, mam’, ev, eshyati, asanshyaH ||68||
Translation: (YaH) a person who (mayi) to me (paraam’) supreme (bhaktim’) devotion (krtva) with (imm’) this (parmm’) utmost (guhyam’) mysterious Gita scripture (mad’bhakteshu) to devotees (abhidhaasyati) will instruct, he (mam’) me (ev) only (eshyati) will attain (asanshayH) there is no doubt about it. (68)
Translation: A person who with supreme devotion to me will instruct this utmost mysterious Gita scripture to devotees, he will attain me alone. There is no doubt about it.
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