Gita 18.6
एतानि, अपि, तु, कर्माणि, संगम्, त्यक्त्वा, फलानि, च,
कर्तव्यानि, इति, मे, पार्थ निश्चितम्, मतम्, उत्तमम्।।6।।
Etaani, api, tu, karmaani, sangam’, tyaktva, falaani, ch,
Kartavyaani, iti, me, paarth, nishchitam’, matam’, uttamm’ ||6||
Translation: (Paarth) Oh Paarth! (etaani) these acts of yagya, charity and austerity (tu) and (api) also (karmaani) all the duties (sangam’) attachment (ch) and (falaani) fruits (tyaktva) abandoning (kartavyaani) should be performed (iti) this (me) my (nishchitam’) definite (uttamm’) supreme (matam’) opinion. (6)
Translation: Oh Paarth! These acts of yagya, charity and austerity and also all the duties should be performed abandoning attachment and fruits. This is my definite supreme opinion.
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