Gita 18.53
अहंकारम्, बलम्, दर्पम्, कामम्, क्रोधम्, परिग्रहम्,
विमुच्य निर्ममः, शान्तः, ब्रह्मभूयाय, कल्पते।।53।।
Ahankaarm’, balam’, darpam’, kaamm’, krodham’, parigrham’,
Vimuchya, nirmmH, shaantH, brahmbhooyaay, kalpte ||53||
Translation: (Ahankaarm’) egoism (balam’) power (darpam’) arrogance (kaamm’) lust (krodham’) anger (parigrham’) collection of more than what is needed (vimuchya) abandoning (nirmmH) free from affection (shaantH) peaceful worshipper (brahmbhooyaay) attaining the Complete God (kalpte) is worthy of. (53)
Translation: Abandoning egoism, power, arrogance, lust, anger and collection of more than what is needed, free from affection, a peaceful worshipper is worthy of attaining the Complete God.
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