Gita 18.43
शौर्यम्, तेजः, धृतिः, दाक्ष्यम्, युद्धे, च, अपि, अपलायनम्,
दानम्, ईश्वरभावः, च, क्षात्राम्, कर्म, स्वभावजम्।।43।।
Shauryam’, tejH, dhrtiH, daakshyam’, yuddhe, ch, api, aplaaynm’,
Daanm’, iishvarbhaavH, ch, kshaatrm’, karm, swabhaavjam’ ||43||
Translation: (Shauryam’) valour (tejH) brilliance (dhrtiH) steadfastness (daakshyam’) cleverness (ch) and (yuddhe) in the battle (api) also (aplaaynam’) not to flee (daanm’) to give charity (ch) and (iishvarbhaavH) interest in Purna Parmatma as the Lord, all these (kshaatrm’) of a Kshatriya (swabhaavjam’) natural (karm) actions. (43)
Translation: Valour, brilliance, steadfastness, cleverness and also not fleeing from battle, to give charity, and interest in Purna Parmatma as the Lord, all these are natural actions of a Kshatriya.
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