Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita हिन्दी

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 36-37

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 36-37

Gita 18.36, Gita 18.37

सुखम्, तु, इदानीम्, त्रिविधम्, श्रृणु, मे, भरतर्षभ,
अभ्यासात्, रमते, यत्रा, दुःखान्तम्, च, निगच्छति।।36।।

यत्, तत्, अग्रे, विषम्, इव, परिणामे, अमृतोपमम्,
तत्, सुखम्, सात्त्विकम्, प्रोक्तम्, आत्मबुद्धिप्रसादजम्।।37।।

Gita 18.36, Gita 18.37

Sukham’, tu, idaaneem’, trividham’, shrnu, me, bharatarshbh,
Abhyaasaat’, ramte, yatr, duHkhaantam’, ch, nigachchhati ||36||

Yat’, tat’, agre, visham’, iv, parinaame, amrtopmm’,
Tat’, sukham’, saatvikam’, proktam’, aatmbuddhiprasaadjam’ ||37||

Translation: (Bharatarshbh) Oh Best of the Bharats! (idaaneem’) now (trividham’) of three types (sukham’) happiness (tu) you also (me) from me (shrnu) hear (yatr) which (abhyaasaat’) in practice of bhajan (ramte) remains engrossed (ch) and by which (duHkhaantam’) end of miseries (nigachchhati) reaches (yat’) which is such a happiness (tat’) that (agre) although at the beginning (visham’) poison (iv) seems to be like, but (parinaame) in the end (amritopmm’) is equivalent to nectar (tat’) that (aatmbuddhiprsaadjam’) arising from clarity of mind in relation to God (sukham’) happiness (saatvikam’) Satvik (proktam’) is said to be. (36, 37)

Translation: Oh Best of the Bharats! Now you also hear the three types of happiness from me. The bhajan in the practice of which one remains engrossed, and by which one reaches the end of miseries, which is such a happiness that although it seems like poison at the beginning, but in the end is equivalent to nectar, that happiness, arising from the clarity of mind in relation to God is said to be Satvik.

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