Gita 18.15
शरीरवाङ्मनोभिः, यत्, कर्म, प्रारभते, नरः,
न्याय्यम्, वा, विपरीतम्, वा, पञ्च एते, तस्य, हेतवः।। 15।।
ShareervaanmanobhiH, yat’, karm, praarabhte, narH,
Nyaayyam’, va, vipreetam’, va, panch, ete, tasya, hetavH ||15||
Translation: (NarH) a man (shareervaanmanobhiH) by mind, speech and body (nyaayyam’) in accordance with the scriptures (va) or (vipreetam’, va) opposite to (yat’, karm) whatever action (praarabhte) performs (tasya) its (ete) these (panch) five (hetavH) are causes. (15)
Translation: Whatever action, in accordance with or opposite to scriptures, a man performs by his mind, speech and body – these five are its causes.
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