Gita 18.10
न, द्वेष्टि, अकुशलम्, कर्म, कुशले, न, अनुषज्जते,
त्यागी, सत्त्वसमाविष्टः, मेधावी, छिन्नसंशयः।।10।।
Na, dweshti, akushlam’, karm, kushle, na, anushajjate,
Tyaagi, sattvsamaavishtH, medhaavi, chhinnsanshayH ||10||
Translation: (Akushlam’) inauspicious (karm) action (na, dweshti) neither hates (kushle) auspicious action (na, anushajjate) nor becomes attached to (sattvsamaavishtH) that person endowed with Satvgun (chhinnsanshayH) free from doubts (medhaavi) intelligent and (tyaagi) a true Tyaagi / renunciant. (10)
Translation: He who neither hates the action which is inauspicious and nor becomes attached to an auspicious action, that person endowed with Satvgun is free from doubts, is intelligent, and a true Tyaagi (renunciant).
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