Gita 17.8
आयुः सत्त्वबलारोग्यसुखप्रीतिविवर्धनाः, रस्याः,
स्निग्धाः, स्थिराः, हृद्याः, आहाराः, सात्त्विकप्रियाः।।8।।
AayuH, sattvbalaarogyasukhpreetivivardhnaH, rasyaaH,
SnigdhaH, sthiraH, hrdyaH, aahaaraH, saattvikpriyaH ||8||
Translation: (AayuH sattvbal aarogya sukhpreeti vivardhnaH) which promote age, intellect, strength, health, happiness and love (rasyaaH) juicy (snigdhaH) oily and (sthiraH) which are lasting and (hrdyaH) dear to mind by nature, such (aahaaraH) food i.e. edible substances (saattvikpriyaH) are liked by those dominated by Satogun i.e. the worshippers of Vishnu whose revered deity is Vishnu. (8)
Translation: Foods i.e. edible substances which promote age, intellect, strength, health, happiness and love, which are juicy, oily and which are lasting and which are dear to mind by nature only, are liked by those dominated by Satogun i.e. the worshippers of Vishnu whose revered deity is Vishnu.
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