Gita 17.17
श्रद्धया, परया, तप्तम्, तपः, तत्, त्रिविधम्, नरैः,
अफलाकाङ्क्षिभिः, युक्तैः, सात्त्विकम्, परिचक्षते।।17।।
Shraddhya, parya, taptam’, tat’, trividham’, naraeH,
AflaakaankshibhiH, yuktae, Saattvikam’, parichakshte ||17||
Translation: (AflaakaankshibhiH) not desirous of rewards (yuktaeH) engrossed in bhakti according to the scriptural injunctions (naraeH) by men (parya) utmost (shraddhya) with faith (taptam’) practised (tat’) that above-mentioned (trividham’) of three types (tapH) austerity (saattvikam’) Satvik (parichakshte) are said to be. (17)
Translation: That above-mentioned austerity of three types, practiced with utmost faith by men engrossed in bhakti according to the scriptural injunctions who are not desirous of rewards, is said to be Satvik.
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