Gita 16.9
एताम्, दृष्टिम्, अवष्टभ्य, नष्टात्मानः, अल्पबुद्धयः,
प्रभवन्ति, उग्रकर्माणः, क्षयाय, जगतः, अहिताः।।9।।
Etaam’, drshtim’, avashtabhya, nashtaatmaanH, alpbuddhyH,
Prbhvanti, ugrkarmaanH, kshyaay, jagatH, ahitaaH ||9||
Translation: (Etaam’) this (drshtim’) point of view, false knowledge (avashtabhya) by following (nashtaatmaanH) the disgraceful souls (alpbuddhyH) who are dim-witted (ahitaH) who harm everyone (ugrkarmaanH) who perform cruel deeds (jagatH) world (kshyaay) for destruction (prbhvanti) are born. (9)
Translation: With this point of view, following the false knowedge, the disgraceful souls, who are dim-witted, who harm everyone, who perform cruel deeds, are born for the destruction of the world.
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