Gita 16.22
एतैः, विमुक्तः, कौन्तेय, तमोद्वारैः, त्रिभिः, नरः,
आचरति, आत्मनः, श्रेयः, ततः, याति, पराम्, गतिम्।।22।।
EtaeH, vimuktH, kauntey, tamodwaaraeH, tribhiH, narH,
Aacharti, aatmanH, shreyH, tatH, yaati, paraam’, gatim’ ||22||
Translation: (Kauntey) Oh Arjun! (etaeH) these (tribhiH) three (tamodwaaraeH) gates of hell (vimuktH) liberated (narH) a person (aatmanH) of soul (shreyH) welfare (aacharti) acts (tatH) thus, he (paraam’) supreme (gatim’) state (yaati) goes to i.e. attains the Purna Parmatma. (22)
Translation: Oh Arjun! A person liberated from these three gates of hell acts for the welfare of the soul. Thus he goes to the supreme state i.e. attains the Purna Parmatma.
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