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Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 Verse 11

Home Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 Verse 11

Gita 14.11

सर्वद्वारेषु, देहे, अस्मिन्, प्रकाशः, उपजायते,
ज्ञानम्, यदा, तदा, विद्यात्, विवृद्धम्, सत्त्वम्, इति, उत।।11।।

Gita 14.11

Sarvdwaareshu, dehe, asmin’, prkaashH, upjaayte,
Gyaanm’, yadaa, tadaa, vidhyaat’, vivriddhm’, satvam’, iti, ut ||11||

Translation: (Yadaa) when (asmin’) this (dehe) in body and (sarvdwaareshu) in the inner-self and in the senses (prkaashH) conciousness and (gyaanm’) discernment (upjaayte) arise (tadaa) at that time (iti) this (vidhyaat’) should be known (ut) that (satvam’) Satvgun (vivriddhm’) is predominating. (11)

Translation: When in this body and in the inner-self and in the senses, consciousness and discernment arise, at that time this should be known that Satvgun is predominating.

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