Gita 13.29
प्रकृत्या, एव, च, कर्माणि, क्रियमाणानि, सर्वशः।
यः, पश्यति, तथा, आत्मानम्, अकर्तारम्, सः, पश्यति।।29।।
Prkritya, ev, karmaani, kriyamaanaani, sarvashH,
YaH, pashyati, tatha, aatmaanm’, akartaarm’, saH, pashyati ||29||
Translation: (Ch) and (yaH) a devotee who (karmaani) all the actions (sarvashH) in all respects (prkritya) by Prakriti (ev) only (kriyamaanaani) as being performed (pashyati) sees (tatha) and (aatmaanm’) God (akartaarm’) a non-doer (saH) only he, truth (pashyati) sees. (29)
Translation: And a devotee who sees all the actions as being performed only by Prakriti in all respects and sees the God as a non-doer, only he sees the truth.
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