Gita 13.28
समम्, पश्यन्, हि, सर्वत्रा, समवस्थितम्, ईश्वरम्।
न, हिनस्ति, आत्मना, आत्मानम्, ततः, याति, पराम्, गतिम्।।28।।
Samm’, pashyan’, hi, sarvatr, samvasthitam’, iishwaram’
Na, hinasti, aatmna, aatmaanm’, tatH, yaati, paraam’, gatim’ ||28||
Translation: (Hi) because (sarvatr) in everyone (samvasthitam’) all-pervading/omnipresent (iishwaram’) Supreme God i.e. Parmeshwar (samm’) equally (pashyan’) seeing (aatmna) by the self (aatmaanm’) himself (na, hinasti) does not destroy i.e. does not commit suicide (tatH) as a result of this, he (paraam’) supreme (gatim’) state/salvation (yaati) attains. (28)
Translation: Because seeing the all-pervading Supreme God equally in everyone, he does not destroy himself by the self i.e. does not commit suicide. As a result of this, he attains the supreme state/salvation.
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