Gita 13.27
समम्, सर्वेषु, भूतेषु, तिष्ठन्तम्, परमेश्वरम्।
विनश्यत्सु, अविनश्यन्तम्, यः, पश्यति, सः, पश्यति।।27।।
Samm’, sarveshu, bhooteshu, tishthantm’, parmeshwaram’
Vinashyatsu, avinashyantm’, yaH, pashyati, saH, pashyati ||27||
Translation: (YaH) who (vinashyatsu) undergoing destruction (sarveshu) all (bhooteshu) in the moving and non-moving beings (Parmeshwaram’) Parmeshwar (avinashyantm’) imperishable and (samm’) equally (tishthantm’) situated (pashyati) sees (saH) only he, truth (pashyati) sees i.e. is a completely knowledgeable person. (27)
Translation: One who sees the Parmeshwar as imperishable and situated equally in all the moving and non-moving beings undergoing destruction, only he sees the truth i.e. is a completely knowledgeable person.
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