Gita 13.16
अविभक्तम्, च, भूतेषु, विभक्तम्, इव, च, स्थितम्।
भूतभर्तृ, च, तत्, ज्ञेयम्, ग्रसिष्णु, प्रभविष्णु, च।।16।।
Avibhaktm’, ch, bhooteshu, vibhaktm’, iv, ch, sthitam’,
Bhootbhartr, ch, tat’, gyeyam’, grsishnu, prabhvishnu, ch ||16||
Translation: (Avibhaktm’) though undivided (ch) even (bhooteshu) within the living beings (vibhaktm’, iv) as if divided (sthitam’) is situated (ch) and (tat’) that (gyeyam’) God worthy to be known (bhootbhartr) is the sustainer of the living beings in Vishnu-form (ch) and (grsishnu) the destroyer (ch) and (prbhvishnu) the originator of all. (16)
Translation: Even though undivided, He is situated within the living beings as if divided and that God, worthy of being known, is the sustainer of the living beings in Vishnu-form and is the destroyer and the originator of all.
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